Monday, December 17, 2012

The Tragedy in America

Ident-A-Kid is reaching out to schools and organizations in response to the recent Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy.
December 17, 2012

Dear Parents and School Administrators,

As CEO of the Nation's largest child safety program and more importantly, the father of three elementary age children, I was absolutely sickened by the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy. The picture of the distressed young lady speaks volumes of all our feelings. My heart and prayers go out to all of the victims' families of this horrendous crime.

One of the most important things a school administrator can do during any emergency situation is to contact parents. Whether it's giving them specific instructions, status updates, or just "all is OK", instant communication is vital.

In an effort to do our part to help schools enhance campus security, we are donating a one year subscription to our ParentAlert system. ParentAlert is an internet-based notification system allowing schools to contact their parents through text and email. Notifications can be sent to parents, staff and others simultaneously from a PC or even a smartphone.

Any school, daycare or church can take advantage of this by contacting us prior to the end of the year. If your school already has a notification system, please pass this information on to another school, daycare or church you know. To get started just call our office at 800-890-1000 and choose option 1.

Thanks you for allowing us to help you make our schools a safer place.

Rick Hagan
CEO, Ident-A-Kid Services of America
Ident-A-Kid Services of America, Inc.
2810 Scherer Drive N., Suite 100
St. Petersburg, FL 33716


Friday, December 14, 2012

Chicken Soup Blues

Three At Home Helpers for Parents

Cold and flu season can be tough on little sprouts . . . and big ones too! Whether your little one is nursing a sniffle or an all-out winter bug attack, read on to find three simple at home helpers for making their sick days (and yours) pass by a whole lot faster.

Friday, December 7, 2012

How to Get Your Child Ready for A Test

A big test can be nerve racking for both children and their parents. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can help your child be successful in preparing for a test.